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Who We Serve

We believe clients are best served when working with a specialist. 

With that in mind, below you'll find the type of client who we believe will benefit most by working with us. 

Retired, or close to it 

We specialize in people who are retired or nearing retirement- generally within 10 years. This specialization allows us to tailor our service and expertise to the unique planning needs of retirees. 

Committed Savers

While many of our clients would not classify themselves as wealthy, thanks to a lifetime of committed saving they have accumulated a retirement nest egg of $500,000 or more. 

Seeking a Trusted Advisor

While we foster a collaborative partnership, we desire to work with clients that understand retirement is too important to do it themselves and appreciate the value of advice that comes from working with a professional.  

If this sounds like you, and you have saved at least $500,000 towards your retirement,

we would love to speak with you.